Crisp is a personal open-source project created with an intent to showcase reference implementations and examples of various rendering techniques I've encountered throughout studies and independent exploration of topics in computer graphics.
The application includes a selection of algorithms that cover real-time rendering, simulations and traditional path tracing.
The real-time rendering pipeline is built on top of Vulkan API. The CPU path tracer subsystem is inspired by the architecture of Nori, an educational ray tracer used in the Computer Graphics AS15 course at ETH Zurich.
The project's source code is hosted on my GitHub profile. A quick overview of implemented features is given below.
Real-time rendering samples implemented:
Ray tracing on the CPU:
Some examples and illustrations are shown below.
The shader ball with thinner base used in ray-traced images was modeled by myself in Blender with inspirations from various other shader balls used in other rendering systems. The other shader ball is borrowed from Derkreature.
The environment maps in the showcased images produced with ray tracing are provided by Bernhard Vogl. The physically-based textures are from