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Crisp is a personal open-source project created with an intent to showcase reference implementations and demos of various rendering techniques I've encountered throughout studying and independent exploration of topics in computer graphics. It is an evergoing work-in-progress.

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Phase Space Projection of Dynamical Systems
EuroVis 2020

A dimensionality reduction technique suitable for flow data with velocity priors.

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Real-time Rendering of Data-driven Fluid Simulations with Style Transfer
Master Thesis

An application of style transfer in the context of real-time fluid rendering.

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Fruit Smashers
Game Programming Lab Project

A multiplayer video game where the goal is to earn points by smashing or defending fruit stands.

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Depth Map and Normal Direction Fusion
3D Vision Project

Starting from multiple noisy depth images taken by a real camera from multiple angles, the goal is to fuse them into a single 3D mesh.

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Target-Driven Fire Simulation
Physically-based Simulation Project

Real-time fire and smoke simulation animated to take a specified series of shapes.

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ETHZ Rendering Competition 2015
Computer Graphics Ray Tracing Project

Ray tracing with some more advanced techniques and features like subsurface scattering and participating media.

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Dynamic Terrain Tessellation
Bachelor Thesis

A terrain tessellation demo implemented with programmable tessellation stages.

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Dark Spheres Concept UI
Human Computer Interaction Project

A concept user interface for a hypothetical cyberpunk MMO Dark Spheres, developed and animated entirely in Qt and QML.

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